2022 - hoy Research Assistant
Department of Physiology, University of Bern - Electro-Mechanical crosstalk in the beating heart in the long and short QT-syndromes.
- Supervisor
- Prof. Dr. Med. Katja Odening
- Technics
- Image acquisition and analysis of of voltage and calcium cardiac optical mapping signals.
- GPU accelerated advanced image processing, segmentation, motion tracking.
- GUI and software development, data analysis and visualization.
2018 - 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physiology, University of Bern - CERCA role of intracellular calcium signals in a CPVT mouse model carrying a RyR mutation.
- Supervisor
- Prof. Dr. Med. Ernst Niggli (Emeritus)
- Technics
- Confocal microscopy.
- Image processing and analysis.
- Inmmunochemistry, molecular biology, phosphorilation signaling.
2012-2016 PhD Researcher
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland - Local and global calium signals in skeletal and smooth muscle cells carrying a Malignant Hypertehrmia mutation in the RyR calcium channel.
- Supervisor(s)
- Prof. Dr. Susan Treves.
- Prof. Dr. Med. Francesco Zorzato.
- Technics
- Calcium signaling.
- Confocal microscopy.
- Biochemestry and molecular biology.
2023-present CAS in Advance Machine Learning
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland - Design, tune, train and measure performance of neural networks with advanced deep learning libraries.
2021-2022 CAS in Applied Data Science
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland - Grasp theoretical and practical foundations of the full data cycle: from planning, acquisition, exploration and visualisation, to inference, machine learning, deep learning, best practices and ethics.
2012-2016 PhD in Cell Biology
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland - International PhD Program In Biomedicine and Cell Biology.
- Thesis:
- Study of calcium sparks in skeletal and smooth muscle cells in normal and pathological conditions.
2005-2011 Bachelor in Biology
University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela - Mayor in Biology
- Thesis:
- Efecto del ácido 3-O-piranosil-ursólico extraído de hojas de Aspidosperma fendleri y del ácido pomólico proveniente de hojas de Licania pittieri sobre cardiomiocitos de rata.
Contribuciones de Código Abierto
2022-now napari-omaas
- A napari plugin to acquire and analyze optical mapping data.
2022-now napari-sif-reader
- A napari plugin to read .sif format files from Andor Technology.
2023-now sif_parser
- A small package to read Andor Technology Multi-Channel files.
2020-2022 AnlysisOfWaves
- A R package containing methods for analysis of calcium waves.
Premios y Reconocimientos
2015 - Gordon Research Conferences Travel Grant
Otros Intereses
- Hobbies: Birdwatching, analog photography, astrophotography, dancing, cooking, traveling, IoT, tinkering.